What’s New

A Rapid Response to help Century 21 Members

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Spanish UFCW Local 888 has partnered with the Department of Labor to help Century 21 members find new jobs, look for medical coverage and professional development post Century 21 closings. The Department of Labor has a Rapid Response program that helps workers deal with the effects of layoffs and plant closures. Rapid Response is a pro-active…

Nobody Deserves to Die This Way

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:                                                                                                        August 31, 2020  UFCW LOCAL 888’s President Max Bruny releases the following statement in response to the shooting of Jacob Blake in Wisconsin: First and foremost, it is most important for UFCW Local 888 to express our deepest condolences to the families and friends of Jacob Blake, an unarmed Black man viciously…

We Are Our Brother’s Keeper

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June 2, 2020 United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 888 President Max Bruny released the following statement on behalf of its union members in response to the killing of George Floyd in Minnesota: First and foremost, we would like to extend our sincerest condolences to the family and friends of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor…

Riding for Farm & Food Chain Workers

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PRESS NOTICE  Caravans of Solidarity & Dignity for Farmworkers and Food Chain Workers Contacts: The Rev. Richard Witt, 845-706-0536,  rcyrilwitt@aol.com Gabriela Quintanilla, 845-428-0359, gabrielaq.rmm@gmail.com On Sunday May 31st at 2pm, a series of 10+ cars in several Caravans will embark on routes in rural areas across New York State in order to directly and publicly thank farmworkers and food chain workers for…

Looking for Work During the Pandemic?

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Español These are very unprecedented times we are facing. We cannot pretend these last few weeks have been easy. It has been incredibly difficult and stressful. We know that you are concerned about your health and safety; and that of your loved ones. We also understand that while some of us still have to go…

A Message from President Bruny

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Español Dear UFCW Local 888 Members:  Let me start by saying that these are very unprecedented times we are facing. I will not pretend these last few weeks have been easy. It has been incredibly difficult and stressful. You are concerned about your health and safety; and that of your loved ones. You also worry,…

COVID-19 Relief

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Español It is important for you to know that several legislations have been passed recently that benefit our members during this time. Below are the most important highlights of the acts that may pertain to you or your loved ones: Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA): Two weeks (up to 80 hours) of paid sick leave at…

What You Need to Know About Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

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Español What is coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)? Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory illness that can spread from person to person. The virus that causes COVID-19 is a novel coronavirus that was first identified during an investigation into an outbreak in Wuhan, China. Can people in the U.S. get COVID-19? Yes. COVID-19 is spreading…

Congrats to the 2018 Local 888 Scholarship Winners!

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Local 888 values education and the role it plays in helping our young people improve their lives. With that in mind, we created the Local 888 Scholarship Fund. Each year several members or their dependents are awarded a scholarship to aide them in pursuing a college degree. These scholarships have eased the burden for many Local…

Bringing Preventative Care to You!

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  Eating healthy, exercising regularly, and receiving preventive services such as cancer screenings, preventive visits and vaccinations are just a few examples of ways you can stay healthy. The right preventive care at every stage of life helps can help you stay healthy, avoid or delay the onset of a disease, keep diseases they already…

Citizenship Workshop September 22nd

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Local 888's Citizenship workshop is HERE! On September 22nd, Local 888 will be holding its 5th Citizenship workshop at our local union office in East Rutherford, NJ. Local 888 has held these workshops for members who are in need of legal help regarding their U.S. citizenship process. All members, family or friends who attend the…

15% off Greschler’s Hardware Store

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Local 888 knows how hard our members work and how hard the economy is out there. Therefore, Local 888 knows how important cost saving is. I mean, who doesn’t want to save money here and there? Local 888 has negotiated a discount on hardware products exclusively for our members at Greschler’s Hardware in Brooklyn, NY. Greschler’s…

Financial Literacy & College Readiness

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Each membership comes with an agreement between the members, the union and their employer that guarantees wages, benefits and dignity and respect. However, it is important for us to be able to provide our members with the important tools that could help them better their future outside of their workplace. Many of us want the…

UFCW Local 888 Condemns the ‘Zero Tolerance’ Policy

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UFCW Local 888 Condemns the Trump Administration’s ‘Zero Tolerance’ Policy that Rips Families Apart at the Border and Joins Immigrant Rights Organizations in Fighting Back! By now, I am sure we have all heard heartbreaking stories of children ripped from their parent’s arms at the U.S./Mexican board caused by the Trump administration's new ‘Zero Tolerance’…

Local 888 Helps Members Become U.S. Citizens

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For over a year now, UFCW Local 888 has been hosting citizenship workshops for its members, where members can receive legal services, help with the process to become a citizen, and other immigration and citizenship issues. Local 888's most recent workshop in July, held in New York, NY, helped close to 20 members with immigration…

VICTORY for Local 888 Health Care Members

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Today, in New York state's capitol, Governor Cuomo announced his support for the $55 million in additional funding in the state's budget. For the last week, New York state leaders have been in broad agreement to increase funding for the direct care of disabled individuals in New York. In an unprecedented moment in New York…

For The Love of Labor

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On Friday, March 17th, Organizer and Union Representative Flormaria Gonzalez was asked to be a guest speaker in a class of Juniors and Seniors in the Academy of Finance at Passaic County Technical Institute in Wayne, NJ. Academy of Finance Instructor Ms. Julissa Borbon invited Gonzalez to her classes to bring her curriculum to life…

CALL GOVERNOR CUOMO For a Salary Increase!

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  CALL GOVENOR CUOMO TODAY             (518) 474-8390 ext. 1 The New York State Senate and Assembly proposed budgets include $45 million dollars to improve salaries of UFCW Local 888 Health Care and Professional Members, please call the Governor’s office and ask him to support you and your co-workers LONG OVERDUE raise in your salary. …

NYC Labor Day Parade

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This passing Saturday, New York City celebrated union pride with their Labor Day parade. The Parade, which started at 44th street ended at 63rd street, was filled with "Union Pride" signs, music and union t-shirts of all colors. Several unions of the tri-state area came out with their members to celebrate and Local 888 was…

Do You Know Who You’re Voting For?

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November is almost here and the Presidential race is getting closer by the day. With Trump's controversial comments headlining the news and Clinton deemed as untrustworthy, it is understandable how voters may shy away from voting in November or end up voting outside of their political party. But we are here to help you draw…

Justice for NY Farm Workers March

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  President Max Bruny speaking at the rally in Smithtown, New Yorkon May 15th in front of Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan’s Office to kick off the 18-day march. Since May 15, 2016 the New York State Farm Workers have been marching 15 to 20 miles a day on their journey to Albany, NY to…

Citizenship via UFCW Local 888

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Due to the huge success of Local 888's pilot Citizenship workshop a couple of weeks ago, the Local has decided to host its second Citizenship workshop on June 17th and 18th. The workshop focused on legal services, the process to become a citizen, and other immigration and citizenship issues. Nearly 25 people attended the first…

Sec. Hillary Clinton Sits Down with Retail Workers at UFCW Conference

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Sec. Clinton sits down with UFCW Members   During last week's Legislative & Political Conference in Las Vegas, NV, Secretary Hillary Clinton flew in to talk to UFCW Local organizers, delegates and staffers but also to have a sit down with retail workers. Secretary Hillary Clinton met with hard-working retail workers from across the industry…

UFCW Retail Conference

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Just last week, the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union held its 2016 Spring Retail, Legislative and Political Conferences in Las Vegas, Nevada at the Mirage Hotel. The Retail Conference was an opportunity to learn about collective bargaining, organizing, and communications techniques. It was also an opportunity to discuss common issues, strategies, and new thinking…

Become a U.S. Citizen with UFCW

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On April 22nd and 23rd, several Local 888 Century 21 and GOYA members attended a UFCW Union Citizenship Action Network (UCAN) workshop in East Rutherford. The workshop focused on legal services, the process to become a citizen, and other immigration and citizenship issues. Nearly 25 people attended the workshop and all received assistance filling out their naturalization…