A Rapid Response to help Century 21 Members
Spanish UFCW Local 888 has partnered with the Department of Labor to help Century 21 members find new jobs, look for medical coverage and professional development post Century 21 closings. The Department of Labor has a Rapid Response program that helps workers deal with the effects of layoffs and plant closures. Rapid Response is a pro-active…
Nobody Deserves to Die This Way
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 31, 2020 UFCW LOCAL 888’s President Max Bruny releases the following statement in response to the shooting of Jacob Blake in Wisconsin: First and foremost, it is most important for UFCW Local 888 to express our deepest condolences to the families and friends of Jacob Blake, an unarmed Black man viciously…
We Are Our Brother’s Keeper
June 2, 2020 United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 888 President Max Bruny released the following statement on behalf of its union members in response to the killing of George Floyd in Minnesota: First and foremost, we would like to extend our sincerest condolences to the family and friends of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor…
Riding for Farm & Food Chain Workers
PRESS NOTICE Caravans of Solidarity & Dignity for Farmworkers and Food Chain Workers Contacts: The Rev. Richard Witt, 845-706-0536, rcyrilwitt@aol.com Gabriela Quintanilla, 845-428-0359, gabrielaq.rmm@gmail.com On Sunday May 31st at 2pm, a series of 10+ cars in several Caravans will embark on routes in rural areas across New York State in order to directly and publicly thank farmworkers and food chain workers for…
Looking for Work During the Pandemic?

A Message from President Bruny

COVID-19 Relief

What You Need to Know About Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
Español What is coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)? Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory illness that can spread from person to person. The virus that causes COVID-19 is a novel coronavirus that was first identified during an investigation into an outbreak in Wuhan, China. Can people in the U.S. get COVID-19? Yes. COVID-19 is spreading…
Congrats to the 2018 Local 888 Scholarship Winners!
Local 888 values education and the role it plays in helping our young people improve their lives. With that in mind, we created the Local 888 Scholarship Fund. Each year several members or their dependents are awarded a scholarship to aide them in pursuing a college degree. These scholarships have eased the burden for many Local…
Bringing Preventative Care to You!

Citizenship Workshop September 22nd

15% off Greschler’s Hardware Store

Financial Literacy & College Readiness

UFCW Local 888 Condemns the ‘Zero Tolerance’ Policy

Local 888 Helps Members Become U.S. Citizens

VICTORY for Local 888 Health Care Members

For The Love of Labor

CALL GOVERNOR CUOMO For a Salary Increase!

NYC Labor Day Parade

Do You Know Who You’re Voting For?

Justice for NY Farm Workers March
Citizenship via UFCW Local 888

Sec. Hillary Clinton Sits Down with Retail Workers at UFCW Conference

UFCW Retail Conference

Become a U.S. Citizen with UFCW