Field Staff

The Union Delegates of UFCW Local 888 have years of experience serving the needs of the union’s members. Their job is to be the first point of contact and information for our members. Each Union Delegate travels our region visiting as many shops as they can each day. Their roles cross many functions from aiding members in their understanding of their Collective Bargaining Agreement to providing advice and counsel on everyday employment matters.

How can your Delegate help you?

If you have a meeting with management that you believe is an investigatory interview with the possibility of disciplinary action against you, you have the right to have your union Delegate at the meeting. This is also known as your “Weingarten Rights.”

A term you may get familiar with is “filing a grievance” when you have a problem that needs solving. A grievance is an allegation that management has violated the terms of the contract. Not every problem you encounter is a violation of the contract, and not every problem requires a grievance. However, your Delegate can help you either way. Your Delegate may have other ways, both formal and informal, for solving problems. Do not be afraid to contact them.

Your Delegate will make sure to inform members about what’s going on in the union – by handing out informational leaftlets, putting information on the union bulletin board, and/or by simply talking to the members.

Your Delegate will work to make sure you understand your rights, your contract, and any important issues the union is working on.

Below are a list of Local 888’s current field staff:

                     Ajay BorzoniField Director- Ext. 155
PiBoutin FlGonzalez
              Pierre Boutin- Ext. 143                              Flormaria Toulson- Ext. 142
Betty Waltson – Ext. 145