Local 888 Health Fund

UFCW Local 888 has always been deeply concerned with the welfare of its members and is always seeking new ways to provide its members with the security of outstanding health insurance.

The Local 888 Health Fund is a Taft-Hartley plan. This means that one or more employers contribute to the plan; the plan is collectively bargained with each participating employer; the plan and its assets are managed by a joint board of trustees equally representative of labor and management, and all assets are placed in a trust fund. The Union negotiates for monthly contributions towards health benefits, however, contribution amounts may differ among employers. Plan rules determine whether the benefits provided to members will differ based on each employer’s contribution.

Depending on the terms of the individual collective bargaining agreement, most of our members enjoy the following benefits from the corresponding providers:

If you have any questions about your health or other benefits, please contact the

Health Fund at 1-800-223-1503, Monday- Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Important Notices:

230623 COVID-19 National Emergency Deadlines Ending | PDF Version

221221 Surprise-Balance Billing NoticePDF Version

220701 Transparency in Coverage Compliance