Benefits of Having a Union Job

There is an immense difference between being a union member and an “at-will” employee. The most important one being that when you are a union member you have job security and you cannot be fired for no reason. If you are employed “at-will”, your employer can terminate an employee at any time without good reason, explanation or warning.  Being an “at-will” employee also means that your employer makes all the rules, sets all the wages, and makes all the decisions on promotions, discipline, and hours of work, amongst other working conditions. As a union member, however, working conditions aren’t so vague. Employees are not at the mercy of their employer.

Benefits to working Union:

  • A Voice on the Job. Union workers have the right to negotiate with their employer over wages, benefits, and working conditions. Without a union, employers make all the decisions and can change working conditions at any time;
  • Stronger Together. Union members address workplace concerns as a unified group instead of on our own. Working together as a union means a better chance of making job improvements and building power;
  • A Legally Binding Contract that defines and guarantees the terms of your employment. The union members at each workplace, with help from union staff, decide what gets proposed, elect their bargaining committee, negotiate the contract and vote to approve the contract;
  • Improve Industry Standards. Unionizing strengthens and improves health and safety, economic and other standards within our industries and professions;
  • Respect and Fair Treatment. Workers join unions, not because they’re “against” the employer, but because they want to join with co-workers to gain greater respect and to receive fair treatment;
  • Seniority can bring higher status, rank, or precedence to an employee who has served for a longer period of time. Union members with the most time at their employment are considered first when it comes to overtime, vacation requests and last during layoffs.

These benefits come with a union agreement and the protection of the National Labor Relations Act.