Get Vaccinated

“27 Local 888 members died from COVID-19 so far. We do not want to lose any more. Please get vaccinated. Our lives depend on it.” Local 888 President Max Bruny
Just about a year ago, COVID-19 turned our world upside down. Kids doing school online. Parents working from home. Wearing masks every time we leave the house. Restaurants closing. Friends and family getting sick. Some dying. And so much more. After all that, we finally have some hope. With three vaccines approved and starting to be distributed, and more hopefully on the way, we’re starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
But, we’ve heard from many people that they’re not sure they want to get vaccinated. They don’t trust the vaccine. They don’t trust the pharmaceutical companies. They don’t trust the government.

“I will get the covid-19 vaccine to protect my 93 year-old
grandmother and my mother in law who has cancer and rest of my family that are most at risk. Don’t hesitate-vaccinate!”
Local 888 Recorder
Ajay Borzoni

“African Americans and Latinos infected with COVID-19 are about four times more likely to be hospitalized than others. I’m getting vaccinated to protect my community.” Local 888 Secretary- Treasurer Rosalba Pérez
As union members, we have a right to be skeptical about a lot of things. And with many of our members people of color, immigrants and women, we really have a right to be skeptical because we’ve been through so much. But, we can honestly tell you that these vaccines are safe. And we strongly urge all of our members and your families to get vaccinated as soon as you are eligible and able to do so. These vaccines will save lives and help usget back to normal again.
Local 888’s leadership and staff will all be getting vaccinated as soon as we can. Keep an eye out on our website ( and our Facebook page (UFCW Local 888). We’ll post updates as we get vaccinated. Please, please, please get vaccinated. The only way we can beat this virus is if we all get vaccinated and continue to be careful and smart.

“All of our members should get the COVID vaccine—for ourselves, our families, and our
Local 888 Organizing
Director Marshall Paris
If you have any questions about the COVID-19 vaccine or your benefits, please call the Health
Fund Office at (800) 223-1503, Monday-Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.
In solidarity,
The Officers and Staff of Local 888 and the Local 888 Benefit Fund