Financial Literacy & College Readiness

Each membership comes with an agreement between the members, the union and their employer that guarantees wages, benefits and dignity and respect. However, it is important for us to be able to provide our members with the important tools that could help them better their future outside of their workplace. Many of us want the American Dream; a house, a beautiful family and a great education that will allow us to reach those goals. Unfortunately, many of us aren’t given the equal opportunity to achieve such success. UFCW Local 888 is a firm believer in education being the key to success and prosperity because it is the one of the only things that we, cannot be striped of. With this in mind, Local 888 is pleased to launch our Financial Literacy and College Readiness workshops. These workshops were designed to provide members with important knowledge on how to take control of their finances or get ready for college.
Financial Literacy Workshops (in Partnership with Bethpage Federal Credit Union)
Building Better Credit:
This workshop focuses on credit scoring. Do you really understand credit card statements and fees? Know why your credit score and credit report are so important is vital to building good credit and using credit wisely.
Understanding Finances:
Everyone can benefit from focusing on saving and money management, but where do you even start? Learn money management skills and strategies for keeping track of your cash. This workshop helps develop a basic understanding of how credit works, how to establish short-term and long-term savings goals, and the financial vehicles that help get you there.
Identity Theft:
Everyone at some point has heard about it, but do you know how information is stolen? This workshop shows how Identity Thieves obtain your personal information, how to protect yourself, and what to do if you are ever a victim.
College Readiness Workshops
Local 888 now offers college readiness workshops for members and their high school-aged children and. The purpose of this workshop is to help them make a smooth transition to college and have the best idea possible of what it will be like.
Founder & CEO of Young Queens: D.I.A.M.O.N.D.S Inc., Da’Cheray Thomas will be leading this workshop in getting parents and members the most valuable information on how to transition from high school to college. As a 7th grade English teacher and Head women’s Volleyball Coach at Newark Collegiate Academy, Ms. Thomas has countless years of experience working with the youth towards academic excellence.
Areas of focus:
- Financial Aid- learn tips on how to fill out the FAFSA and get that most grants towards your tuition;
- Scholarships- learn how to be the ideal scholarship candidate;
- Admissions Process- what to expect when applying for college;
- Career Exploration- learn about selecting a major in college;
- Debt After College- scared of student loans? learn how to pick a provider and what to look for.
For information on the next workshop, call Flormaria Gonzalez at 914-668-8881 EXT. 142.
college college readiness credit credit score finances financial literacy Local 888 readiness UFCW ufcw 888 Workshop