UFCW Local 888 Condemns the ‘Zero Tolerance’ Policy

UFCW Local 888 Condemns the Trump Administration’s ‘Zero Tolerance’ Policy that Rips Families Apart at the Border and Joins Immigrant Rights Organizations in Fighting Back!
By now, I am sure we have all heard heartbreaking stories of children ripped from their parent’s arms at the U.S./Mexican board caused by the Trump administration’s new ‘Zero Tolerance’ policy. This ridiculous policy was enacted six weeks ago and since then, thousands of families have been torn apart. Children have been pried from their parent’s arms and being held captive in government-funded cages like animals. The Trump administration claims this policy is essential to “Make America Great Again” and to protect our democracy; however, this policy does the exact opposite. I can assure you that this is NOT Democracy. This is not our America.
Local 888 is one of the most diverse locals in our international union, both in membership and staff. We understand that this policy can very well affect our members and we will not stand by and do nothing! UFCW Local 888 will not remain silent in times of injustice. We stand in solidarity with immigrant families and have joined many human and immigrant rights organizations across the country to express our outrage over this ‘zero tolerance’ policy. This policy is leaving children defenseless and with a lifetime of trauma. Much like our brothers and sisters from United Latinos of UFCW, we also, “are too well acquainted with the dehumanization of immigrant bodies in this country and the terror that this nation has historically inflicted upon our communities and this grotesque administration is just repeating history”. The cruelty we are witnessing today is perhaps the most visceral embodiment of The Trump Administration’s agenda. We cannot afford to be passive in the face of this abomination.
Local 888 will stand with the best of America to stop the heinous incarceration of infants, toddlers, children and their parents as they seek political asylum. Together, we will demand an end to these inhumane immigration policies that criminalize our communities and tear families apart through incarceration and deportation.
We ask you to join us in taking action: Join the #FamiliesBelongTogether mobilization in your area. On June 30, 2018 the nation is rallying in Washington, D.C., and around the country to tell Donald Trump and his administration to stop separating kids from their parents. Click here to find a rally near you!
UFCW Local 888 has a duty, to our countless immigrant members, to fight for immigrant rights. Our union representation transcends race, culture, and borders and we refuse to sit back and watch this administration powered by bigotry and racism, target our members and their families. Immigrants and refugees make our union stronger and we welcome them.
We cannot allow empathy and compassion to be lost in this politically divisive climate; instead we must revitalize it with acts of love. Let us come together and in unity, help to bring back hope and empathy to make a change for those that have been victimized and abused. We hope you will join us.
In Solidarity,
Max Bruny