VICTORY for Local 888 Health Care Members

Today, in New York state’s capitol, Governor Cuomo announced his support for the $55 million in additional funding in the state’s budget. For the last week, New York state leaders have been in broad agreement to increase funding for the direct care of disabled individuals in New York.
In an unprecedented moment in New York State legislative affairs, the two houses (Assembly and Senate) of our State government backed a $45 million increase specifically to compensate wages for professionals involved in the direct care of disabled individuals. The proposal includes a commitment to continue to look ahead six consecutive years for annual increases in salaries to the not-for-profit agency you are employed by. For our members who are working in the realm of social work and human services this two house proposal in the state legislature is complemented with increases in the New York State Office of Mental Health’s budget, specifically children’s behavioral health development and extra support for crisis intervention programming.
This budget increase is specific to the not-for-profit agencies all of our members work for. The proposed increases validate the testimony of our UFCW members; many have been grossly underpaid by these agencies, compounded with an array of staffing issues and additional responsibilities shouldered by our union members who serve in these programs.
Congratulations to all Direct Support Professionals and Local 888 Healthcare members in New York State. Look forward to a raise in the near future!