CALL GOVERNOR CUOMO For a Salary Increase!

CALL GOVENOR CUOMO TODAY (518) 474-8390 ext. 1
The New York State Senate and Assembly proposed budgets include $45 million dollars to improve salaries of UFCW Local 888 Health Care and Professional Members, please call the Governor’s office and ask him to support you and your co-workers LONG OVERDUE raise in your salary.
Over the past 5 years UFCW Local 888 has been actively involved in an annual effort to offer legislative education to members of the Assembly and Senate in New York on the importance of the work that our Healthcare members do. It is with great insistence and optimism that we urge all Direct Support Professionals and Professional Staff working with vulnerable populations to make ONE call to Governor Cuomo’s Albany office.
In an unprecedented moment in New York State legislative affairs, the two houses (Assembly and Senate) of our State government proposed a $45 million increase, specifically to compensate wages for professionals involved in direct care support. Thankfully, the proposals include a commitment to continue to look ahead six consecutive years for annual increases in salaries to the not-for-profit agencies that employ our health care members.
A vitally important element of the proposed additional funding addresses the “compression factor”. Direct Support Professionals are not minimum wage workers and should not be treated as minimum wage workers because they are professionals. Currently, many Direct Support Professionals earn an average of $10-$13 per hour, which falls just above the state’s minimum. There is a great need to increase the salaries of the more experienced Direct Support Professionals in order to maintain a salary gap with the minimum wage. Fortunately, a significant across the board percentage increase is included in the proposed budget of both legislative houses. This increase would take immediate effect in this upcoming 2017-2018 budget year starting April, 1 2017.
This budget increase is very specific to the not-for-profit agencies all of our members work for. The proposed increases validate the testimony of our UFCW members; many have been grossly underpaid by these agencies, compounded with an array of staffing issues and additional responsibilities shouldered by our union members who serve in these programs. UFCW Local 888 is asking Governor Cuomo to commit an extra $45 million a year, for six years, so that agencies can pay a competitive wage to direct-care workers. However, we cannot push this agenda on our own. We are looking for the support of our family, friends and members to call Governor Cuomo’s office today and every day until April 1st to ask for his support of these legislation proposals.
CALL GOVENOR CUOMO TODAY (518) 474-8390 ext. 1
Local 888 looks forward to seeing Governor Cuomo stand alongside New York workers that serve the most vulnerable individuals and families in our state when he commits to $45 million in increased funding for their salaries.
Should you have any further questions regarding this matter, please contact Sandra Oxford at 1-800-223-1503 EXT. 133.
direct care direct support professionals Governor Cuomo legislation New York raise State Assembly