Do You Know Who You’re Voting For?

Do You Know Who You’re Voting For?


November is almost here and the Presidential race is getting closer by the day.

With Trump’s controversial comments headlining the news and Clinton deemed as untrustworthy, it is understandable how voters may shy away from voting in November or end up voting outside of their political party. But we are here to help you draw a thicker line between the two.

On many issues, the both candidates’ positions align with the political platform of their party — Clinton is pro-choice, Trump is pro-life; Clinton supports the DREAM Act and a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, while Trump wants to deport all undocumented immigrants and build a wall on the Mexican border (that he claims Mexico will pay for); Clinton wants to expand gun control legislation, Trump does not; Clinton wants to raise taxes on high-income households while Trump wants to cut taxes for all income brackets.

On other issues, the lines are more blurry. If you haven’t taken the time out to dig into each candidates’ policies we have got you covered. Below are the comparisons of Clinton and Trump’s policies on manufacturing, infrastructure and working families.

Policy on Manufacturing

Policy on Infrastructure

Policy for Working Families