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Shop Steward Seminar

Each year Local 888 has a Shop Steward Seminar with an exciting and highly informational agenda to educate them on how to be better Shop Stewards. Topics discussed with our designated Shop Stewards include handling and investigating grievances, servicing new members, retirement planning, medical and dental, prescription drug coverage, vision screening, organizing, politics, and many others.

Local 888 Annual Walk-a-Thon

Local 888 makes a conscientious effort to give back to our members and the communities we serve. A few years ago Local 888 learned that Sickle Cell Anemia, Leukemia and Breast Cancer are diseases that affect various members and decided to do something about it. In an effort to support our members Local 888 put…
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Local 888 Membership Appreciation Picnic

In appreciation of our members, we hold an annual picnic every July for our members to enjoy with their families and friends. Members have the chance to get to know our staff in a casual setting and enjoy a wonderful day. Buses are provided from several different locations for members and their loved ones.

Atlantic City Outing

Local 888 believes that our members are our family, therefore, each year we schedule special events for our members to enjoy. During the Atlantic City Outing our members get to enjoy a bus ride to South Jersey with their Union Delegate and Union staff. Buses are provided for transportation from different locations for members and their…
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UCAN Workshop

UFCW Union Citizenship Action Network (UCAN) workshop is a workshop sponsored by the UFCW International that focuses on legal services, the process to become a citizen, and other immigration and citizenship issues. Local 888 members will receive help completing their naturalization applications. The UFCW launched the UCAN program to be a resource for members looking…
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UCAN Workshop

UFCW Union Citizenship Action Network (UCAN) workshop is a workshop sponsored by the UFCW International that focuses on legal services, the process to become a citizen, and other immigration and citizenship issues. Local 888 members will receive help completing their naturalization applications. The UFCW launched the UCAN program to be a resource for members looking…
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